Fairy Tale Energy

Earlier this year, Linda and J asked me to shoot their engagement photos, I immediately declined the offer since it’s not really my thing. I specialize in commercial, still-life, product photography. I seldom take on shoots for portraiture, fashion, weddings or events. These jobs normally pay well, but I rather spend my time shooting things that I'm more likely to enjoy. I went down the toilet bowl of guilt, feeling honored they asked me, yet feeling incompetent since there are hundreds of wedding photographers here in LA that do this day in, day out. 

Maybe a month later I changed my mind, I asked if they'd be still open to doing it, just for fun – no directors, no expectations, no crew, no money. I began putting together a mood board and what I wanted the photos to look like. Linda found the outrageously long dress in a big color, and we found a location that would be a great landscape in Mt. Whitney - 4x4 vehicles required. This was my first time shooting and art directing this type of content yet, the creative process feels the same. Find a message you're trying to convey in photographs. 

This is one of my favorite weekend adventures I've been on all year. Drove through rocks and rivers, camped by the sound of them, and created content with the outdoors ethos many of us share. 

It's good to question your internal monologue, challenge everything, even yourself.


Death Valley National Park 2022